Before I dive into the details, I want you to know that I am 68 Years old and on Medicare. I can honestly say that Medicare is, in my humble opinion, one of the best Entitlements that our government has created. (I admit I do not like the word “Entitlement” as we paid into the system for Medicare and it sounds like it is a hand-out.) But “Entitlement” is the proper name, I guess.
If you are barreling down the road to Medicare and worried that Medicare will fall short paying your Medical Bills you would be correct. Because if you join Medicare without a Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage Plan to back you up, then you are exposed to 20% of medical costs. A major medical event could be financially catastrophic. To Me… Going into Medicare without a Plan to pay your 20% Medicare co-share is not an option.
So, the difficult decision is which plan do I choose? A Medicare Supplement? or an Advantage Plan?
There is no right or wrong choice and this is where I can help you in your decision process…
Schedule an phone appointment and...
That You will fully understand your Medicare Options!
That you be Relieved & Confident about your Medicare Decisions!
That you will NOT feel pressured or obligated to join any plan!