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Filling Out Prescriptions

Prescription Drug Plans Part D

Part A Enrollment Required

Part D Prescription Drug Plans are considered part of the Advantage Plans.  Part D plans are available as a "stand alone" plan (called a PDP Plan) or may be (and often are) included as part of an Advantage Plan.

The manner in which you may obtain Part D prescription drug coverage depends on how you are enrolled into Medicare;


•  If you are enrolled in Original Medicare you need to consider joining a Prescription Drug Plan, even if you do not take prescription medications.  If you opt out and join later, you will be subjected to a penalty.

•  If you are enrolled in Original Medicare and purchase a Medicare Supplement Insurance policy you will also need to join a Part D Prescription Drug Plan (this is a very popular way to receive Medicare).

•  Many Medicare Advantage Plans include drug coverage and a few do not.   You must be very careful about joining a stand alone PDP as you can be auto dis-enrolled from your Medicare Part C Advantage Plan. 

It is wise to seek assistance from Frank Mills regarding your PDP coverage.  Joining the wrong PDP Plan is a major problem for folks new to Medicare.

Phone 919-774-0922
Text 919-842-9935
Sanford, NC
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