Insurance for the Self-Employed
Term Life Insurance is a simple and economical solution for the
Self-Employed to protect their family in an untimely death event. Properly structured, a term life policy can be converted to whole life once the children leave the nest and a large amount of coverage is not necessary.
Recently I wrote a $50,000 term policy for a small business owner.
I structured his policy to pay double ($100k) for accidental death and I included a "Return of Premium" rider. At age 64 he has the option to receive all his premiums ($20,000) or he can convert it to paid up a whole life insurance policy. An incredible amount of coverage for less than $3 a day.
Frank Mills offers competitive prices from 6 companies including;
Mutual of Omaha, TransAmerica, Family Benefits, Foresters, Sentinel,
and AIG.
Call, Text, or Email, your name, height, weight, and if you smoke. I will send you a complimentary assessment and quotation (absolutely no obligation).